open-weather apt is a browser based decoder for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite images.
It was developed to improve accessibility of satellite signal decoding for new practitioners across operating systems.
open-weather apt is forked from Thatcher’s APT 3000. It is a collaboration between open-weather, Bill Liles NQ6Z and Grayson Earle.


1. Select a WAV file on your device (here is a sample)

It was developed to improve accessibility of satellite signal decoding for new practitioners across operating systems.

2. Select a demodulation method

open-weather apt is forked from Thatcher’s APT 3000. It is a collaboration between open-weather, Bill Liles NQ6Z and Grayson Earle.

3. Decode image!

Select channel

Search for first sync in the first seconds of audio.

Turn histogram equalization